4 Kitchen Design Mistakes to Avoid in 2022


Kitchen Design Tips

Do you want to make sure your 2022 kitchen remodel goes exactly right? Remodeling a kitchen is often a costly investment, so it’s understandable that you’ll want to plan and make sure all the details turn out just as you want.

The good news is that there is no one “right” way to remodel a kitchen. In fact, your new kitchen design plan will probably change and evolve as you go through the remodeling process. However, even though there are countless ways your kitchen can ultimately turn out to be a success, there are several common remodeling mistakes you’ll want to be sure you don’t make.

Here are 4 examples of what NOT to do during your kitchen redesign:


1. Ignoring the Small Details

As you’re planning your new kitchen, you definitely want to make sure you have a solid design scheme for the overall layout and color palette. However, it’s not enough to make sure you’ve thought through the major elements, you also want to spend some time focusing on the small but potentially impactful details as well.

There is even an opportunity to create something unexpected that will catch the eye of all your guests. For example, you might want to consider adding a splash of artistic flair on an accent wall or decorating an unusual spot such as the ceiling. Also, be sure to pay attention to the hardware on your cabinets, which can change the entire look and feel of your cabinet design.


2. Assuming Just One Cook 

RTA Wood Kitchen Cabinets

Will your new kitchen have enough prep space? Many people plan for one main prep area around the sink, but this layout can make it difficult for multiple people to get involved and help with preparing meals.

Cooking together with your family or friends can be a wonderful way to bond and spend quality time together. If you can plan to include an additional smaller sink or more countertop space around the stovetop, that will make it easier to accommodate more cooks in the kitchen.


3. Going with White by Default

White kitchens consistently rank as the most popular kitchen design style. If you truly love the look of a white kitchen, then it might indeed be the best choice for your kitchen. However, you don’t want to just settle for a white kitchen by default only because it’s what others have chosen.

In fact, in 2022, one of the major trends will be color in the kitchen. Not only will you see a variety of brilliantly, bold accent colors, you will also see soft greens, blues, and grays as the new neutrals. You might even prefer the luxurious look of dark countertops or appliances.

RTA Kitchen Cabinet Tips

4. Focusing on Resale Value Not Personal Value 

Are planning to sell your home someday? If your current home is not your forever home, you might be thinking your kitchen remodel should take into consideration its future resale value. For example, many homeowners choose wall colors or flooring or countertop materials based on what they think will make the house easier to sell someday.

However, unless you’re planning to sell your home sometime very soon, this really is a mistake. A kitchen is generally the heart of the home where family and friends can come to gather together and find comfort. For this reason, you shouldn’t settle for a kitchen that doesn’t appeal to your personal values. Your kitchen is a personal space, so make it personal to you. 

Do you want a personalized kitchen remodel in 2022? If so, our team here at RTA Wood Cabinets can help make sure you get a new kitchen layout plan that will perfectly meet your needs with a FREE kitchen design consultation with one of our kitchen designers. Find out more by calling us today at: 1-800-788-7575.